Research: Datasets from Published Projects
The mHealth group is committed to releasing datasets and open source code as often as possible. In fact, some of our current work is explicitly devoted to creating useful datasets of wearable and home sensing so researchers interested in sensor-based systems are not constantly reinventing the wheel.
For older datasets, the support we can provide may be quite limited.
As more datasets become available we will list them here. If you are trying to use a dataset and have trouble, contact us and we will try to help (a caveat is that the more time that has passed, the more difficult that may be).
The Boxlab and PlaceLab datasets were stored at MIT, and unfortunately due to a computer error after Dr. Intille left MIT, these datasets are no longer available. A description of PlaceLab data is available, but the datasets are not, unfortunately.
For studies where we post apps on the Google Play Store, here is our Privacy Policy.
For older datasets, the support we can provide may be quite limited.
As more datasets become available we will list them here. If you are trying to use a dataset and have trouble, contact us and we will try to help (a caveat is that the more time that has passed, the more difficult that may be).
- Accelerometer datasets from Bao & Intille paper
- Home datasets from Munguia-Tapia home studies
- Tracking materials from Beaudin et al. health tracking paper
- Smoking code and dataset from Tang et al. smoking detection paper (zip download of data)
- Autism dataset from Goodwin et al. Ubicomp 2014 paper
- Dataset from Maninni et al. 2013 MSSE paper
- Dataset from Maninni et al. 2015 PMC paper
- Dataset from Maninni et al. 2017 MSSE paper
- Dataset from Maninni et al. 2018 paper submission
- Dataset and code from Tang et al. 2019 multi-site sensing submission (preliminary)
- Code for John, Tang et al. 2019 MIMs-unit paper (datasets)
- Dataset for Ponnada et al. 2022 IMWUT paper (found on the ACM website under supplemental material)
The Boxlab and PlaceLab datasets were stored at MIT, and unfortunately due to a computer error after Dr. Intille left MIT, these datasets are no longer available. A description of PlaceLab data is available, but the datasets are not, unfortunately.
For studies where we post apps on the Google Play Store, here is our Privacy Policy.